About Adarsh Gram Vikas Sewa Samiti
AGVSSBOKARO is a non-governmental organization that is dedicated to providing a wide range of services aimed at promoting sustainable development and improving the lives of people in various communities. The organization has identified several key areas that it focuses on, including environment, forests, health, family welfare, rural development, poverty alleviation, sports, vocational training, women’s development, empowerment, youth affairs, HIV/AIDS, children, education, literacy, food processing, labour, employment, Panchayati Raj, and tribal affairs.

Women's Development
Our work in Arts, Culture & Heritage focuses on preserving and promoting the rich cultural heritage of our communities.

Sports For Development
Our work in Sports for Development aims to harness the power of sports to promote positive social change and development.

Rural Transformation
Our work in Rural Transformation focuses on supporting the sustainable development of rural communities.

Special Child Education
Our work in Child Education focuses on ensuring that every child has access to quality education and the opportunity to reach their full potential
“Develop all villages into a model village, where villagers have socio-economic prosperity.”
“To create an enabling environment where villagers has socio-economic prosperity and all amenities to become a village that has the standard of city”
why choose us
Our team consists of highly qualified and experienced professionals who specialize in working with children with special needs.
Personalized Care
We understand that each child is unique and has different needs. Therefore, we provide personalized care plans that are tailored to the specific needs of each child.
Inclusive Environment
We strive to create an inclusive environment that promotes acceptance, understanding, and respect for all.
Impact Story
Determination & Success – HiralIn our life we all want to be in a place with peace, comfort, stress-free, and a successful life. But is it possible with everyone? All of us complain about what we don’t have, but on the other hand, we sometimes escape what we have!
Yes, likewise Hiral thought about life. 22 years old Hiral was in an incubator right after birth and faced scissors and also had a fever and under all this procedure she was left with one eye vision with low visibility. Parents were disturbed, because the child for whom they prayed was born but with disability. Disturbing but nonetheless, when Hiral’s little finger held her mother’s hand, Jigishaben held her tightly and accepted her the way she was born.
Hiral started growing; she was about to start school, but rejected her to get admission in the school and even told by many authorities to not put much effort on her schooling. But her mother’s determination not only helped her to complete her schooling.
She grew older, seeing her parents struggling for her to have a good life and started thinking, why is life not easy? Why am I like this? How can I help my parents? -
A story of Change – Sagar SopanSagar is a 31 years old and has a Locomotor Disability in one arm & one leg. But he was not disabled by birth. He used to go to school & his mother used to pick & drop him till the door steps.
One day while walking on the street he was crossing the road & suddenly one car hit him very badly, and this road accident turned into a nightmare for Sagar because he lost his movements in one arm & one leg which was very painful for him.
He didn’t wish to live after this accident, but he got his family’s support and motivation & slowly his life came on the track, he started going school again but this time he was not like other children he met before.
His favourite outdoor game was football but due to his disability he wasn’t able to play anymore. His life was totally changed after this road accident, but he never lost hope & he completed his higher studies with flying colours.
After his studies he was in search of a job but getting a job was not easy for him. Still he applied whenever and wherever he got to know about the vacancies, but still he didn’t get any job. He started losing his hopes about his career. He used to ask questions to himself such as, how you would be able to help your parents. How will you become an independent person? When will you get a job? Etc. -
A story of Change – Sagar SopanSagar is a 31 years old and has a Locomotor Disability in one arm & one leg. But he was not disabled by birth. He used to go to school & his mother used to pick & drop him till the door steps.
One day while walking on the street he was crossing the road & suddenly one car hit him very badly, and this road accident turned into a nightmare for Sagar because he lost his movements in one arm & one leg which was very painful for him.
He didn’t wish to live after this accident, but he got his family’s support and motivation & slowly his life came on the track, he started going school again but this time he was not like other children he met before.
His favourite outdoor game was football but due to his disability he wasn’t able to play anymore. His life was totally changed after this road accident, but he never lost hope & he completed his higher studies with flying colours.
After his studies he was in search of a job but getting a job was not easy for him. Still he applied whenever and wherever he got to know about the vacancies, but still he didn’t get any job. He started losing his hopes about his career. He used to ask questions to himself such as, how you would be able to help your parents. How will you become an independent person? When will you get a job? Etc. -
A story of hope – Arpit Upadhyayrpit was affected by visual impairment since birth with 80% vision loss. He had faced a lot of challenges in his life due to his disability. Even while growing up unlike other kids, there were several challenges in simple activities like playing and learning to read & write.
His father, a government employee, being the only earning member of the family was stressed out due to the expenses of the treatment. Arpit, as a result, grew mature and responsible beyond his age and decided to improve his family condition and support his father. He completed his Bachelors in Commerce from Barkatullaha University. But, challenge is just another name of life and they never end, his journey had never been easy. Even after graduation, when he though he’d be able to support his father, he didn’t find any opportunity open for him.
Difficulties since childhood did not break him. But this was the time when he was really disheartened. He did what he knew, but now what? He started looking for different options in advertisements, newspapers, even talked to relatives who might help, but nothing was falling in place. After a long time of disappointment, a classmate told him about NGO’s helping PwDs.
After some initial research, he came to know about Sarthak Education Trust and called up the head office, through a Mobilizer, he got the answers of his questions. He thought of giving a shot to a training provided by Sarthak which will just take 3 months, and can be attended online from home.
Impact Since Inception

Our Mission
“The promotion of socio-economic development among underprivileged people of the society in the state of Jharkhand. Our organization endeavor to bridge the gap between have not by creating, awareness, motivation, organization building, harmonium relationship, people realationship and in continuous learning process. Our organization do belive in social transformation through people’s organization leading towards sustainable economic self reliance.” To promote self-reliance by improving the quality of life of the poor, deprived community through meaningful socio-economic growth in all phases of life. To educate, organize, advocate and empower the rural poor for promoting development as a liberating force aimed at gender equity, social justice, self-empowerment, and entitlement realization. To promote support and develop civil society by providing opportunity and securing rights of the underprivileged section of the society. Through effective presence with the poor and marginalized accompanying them as they empower themselves and affirm their dignity leading to the fullness of life.
our services
Vocational training
The motive of imparting education to an individual is to help them become free from any kind of dependence. Education enables us to carry ourselves confidently in the world.
Food Processing
The primary objective of occupational therapy for special children is to enable them to move forward in their lives without any physical dependence on someone else.
Poverty Alleviation
MBCN’s prime objective is to assist students in overcoming what they see as a flaw in themselves, and at the same time maintain their overall well-being.
Women's Development
Needless to say, it takes a whole lot of effort to provide guidance to a little child for education who has only seen the confines of home and parents.
Family Welfare
Our Regular physical therapy program provides physically challenged children with opportunities to reach their optimal functional ability.
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To get started, think about your passions and interests and find an organization or cause that aligns with them. Reach out to that organization to learn more about their volunteer programs and how you can get involved.
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